

20th January, 24th February, 31st March, 28th April, 19th May (Parish Council Annual Meeting), 23rd June, 28th July, 1st September, 13th October, 17th November, 15th December.

 Council meetings are held in Aston on Clun Village Hall starting at 7.30pm unless otherwise indicated on the agenda for that meeting. Please always check the agenda for a meeting as dates, times, and venues can change.

The Annual Parish Meeting - the annual meeting of electors in this parish - will be held on 10th April 2025 in Aston on Clun Village Hall. 

 The MAY 2025 ELECTION will take place on 1st May 2025.



Hopesay Parish Council has a small grants policy and applications are welcomed from parish groups however informal. Applications from individuals are not considered. Please click on the following links:

Grants policy 

Grant application form



 A reminder to bring your photo ID whenever you go to vote in local elections - see the poster here


The Parish Council publishes the data collected by the Speed Indicator devices in Aston on Clun from time to time. The latest data can be viewed by clicking here



This website is published and maintained by Hopesay Parish Council for everyone who lives and / or works in the parish, and for anyone who wants to find out more about Hopesay Parish Council. Under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities (Department of Communities and Local Government), the Council is required to publish specific information, and our website has been designed with this in mind.

We hope you find what you are looking for on our website. However, if you cannot find what you are looking for, or have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know.

You may be interested in the Census Profile of Hopesay Parish. This information was collated from the 2021 Census. 


 COULD YOU BE A PARISH COUNCILLOR? Do you think that local issues should be managed by local people? Hopesay Parish Council has 9 councillor positions but for much of the recent past it has only had 4 - 5 councillors. And some existing councillors may choose not to seek re-election this year.

There is therefore a risk that there could be not enough candidates to even form a council! If this happens the Unitary Council will appoint its own people to temporarily manage parish affairs. If this is not what you want please consider whether you could stand for election to be a parish councillor, to serve your parish.

We provide resources and training to help you become an effective councillor. Our councillors are welcoming and friendly, everyone works together to act on behalf of all residents. You will need to give a bit of time, likely 10 - 15 hours each month. And you will gain new skills, a better appreciation of the local area, and a real sense of achievement.

You will make a difference! In the last year councillors have worked to acquire and install new noticeboards and outdoor seating, have responded thoughtfully to many government consultations with potential implications for this parish, helped to retain the Waste and Recycling Centre in Craven Arms on behalf of residents,  and worked to maintain multiple assets in the community - and there is more to do this next year!

So, will you consider standing? If not you, then who? 

If you would like to serve the Community by becoming a Parish Councillor, or you would like more information or to chat about this, please contact the Clerk, or the Chair. We look forward to speaking with you! The Parish Council is at its most effective when it has enough councillors to share the work - it can then make a significant difference to the well being of this parish. 

Corner House

Broome bridge

Hopesay church 2

Summer Sky